Yeah, I know I haven't posted in forever. But I had college, and that took a lot out of me. Especially the English 848 class. Deborah Garfinkle wasn't the best teacher for me. She had been primarily teaching English 100 normally, and thought that the Writing center was the be all and end all to pass the class. Yeah, f***ing right. Just as an example, I had help from my mother and the writing lab on my first paper, after screwing it up, and got a high C. Second essay, got help from mother, Linda, and Writing center, and get a low C. Get ton's of help on the third paper, especially from the Writing center, and get a lower score. So, that definetly wasn't good. But besides that, I had fun with my other classes. They were Japanese 111, and Astronomy 100. I had ton's of fun, and am going to be doing another semester of Japanese. And in just 13 days, college starts back up. Yay!