Mega Ninja Swordsman
By Christopher Davis
Hello, my name is Christopher Davis. By day, I’m a regular school kid who plays video games after school. At night, however, it’s a completely different story. At night, I become the superhero known as, “Mega Ninja Swordsman.” I have all the powers/weapons of Megaman, Naruto, and Himura Kenshin.
Not many evildoers can escape me. I never kill the evildoers. I might confuse them with a smoke bomb and then handcuff them. Sometimes I throw Shuriken or Kunai. Sometimes I break bones with my Sakabato. At other times I use chips to make them feel things, like their arm has been blown off, but it doesn’t actually happen. I just use virtual reality to make them feel something, without hurting them. I might throw Senbon at them in the neck to give the appearance of death, but they don’t actually die.
I’ve battled thieves, murderers, but most of the time, their just guys on drugs. Sometimes, however, people try to murder me for fame in the underworld. However, they always do it when I’m sleeping.
They don’t know this, but my weapons are hidden inside, and attached, to my body. The password to get my weapons on the outside is “Szadek”. The password to get them off of my body is “Keyblade”. However, if anyone says “Szadek” or “Keyblade” in my room, besides me, my defense robot instantly appears and throws the evildoers in jail.
I have gotten hurt before. I was shot in the arm by a murderer. That was the first and last time that I was ever hurt. Um, could you wait a sec? Okay. Uh huh. Got it. Could you please wait one second? Thanks. Biff! POW! Blam! Slash! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!! Okay, maybe not last. (Glance at arms) Okay, that does kind of hurt. First, I had my left hand sliced off, and then my right arm was blasted with a freaking shotgun!
Well, as I always say, Hakuna Matata. No worries. Really, all I have to do is go to my room, say “Sora”, and I will automatically have any injuries heal, including making me a robotic hand and arm that looks exactly the same with the same weapons as well. But, later, when I get older and have more injuries, it might be that it only has weapons, and no extra body parts. If that happens, I would have to clone my arms and legs, but if I do that too much, it might break down. Crash! Ah, crud!!!!!!!! What the heck happened!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Could you wait one second? Thank you. Buzz! Clang! Okay, finished. I just had to rebuild the cloning machine. It breaks down sometimes. Ah. Well, good night. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. (8 hours later) Yawn. Good morning. Well, I need to go eat breakfast. See you later. (1 hour later) Sorry, had to do my chores after breakfast. School doesn’t start until 9, so I can talk to you for a bit.
One of my favorite games to play is called “
Oops, school time. Can you wait for a while? Thanks. If you go downstairs my parents won’t be mad to see you. I already told them that you’re staying for a little while. (2 hours later) Yeah, I know, I’m already home from school. You should also know that my parents know that I’m a superhero.
Well, today was a Tuesday, meaning school got out early. And school was just mostly review and tests. Let me guess, you talked to my parents earlier, right? How old do you think they are? 34? Wrong. They are actually 137 years old. Yeah, you heard right, 137. The year right now is 2200. They were born in 2063. Since then, everyone looks younger than they actually are. I look 13, don’t I? Well, I’m actually 20. No, I don’t have a wife and kids or car yet. You have to look the ages in order for it to happen. As in, you have to look 15 ½ to do the written test. But yes, I am in college. In fact, I’m going to graduate tomorrow. No, I was kidding. I am 13 and in 7th grade, not 20 and in college. I was also joking about my parents but not what year it is. Beep Bleep. Oh, hold on a sec. Uh huh. Yeah. I see. Okay, bye. Sorry, that was the police chief. He was telling me that some guys are robbing a bank. I’m taking care of them in a sec. Would you like to watch me? Okay follow me. Szadek! Vworp! Yeah, this is how I look regularly. My kunai and shuriken are in one of my pockets and my sword is right in its scabbard. Come on, let’s go. Okay, here we are. Hmmmm, 3 of them, huh? Well, shouldn’t be that hard. Kong! Slice! Blam! Shunk! Don’t worry, their all alive. I hut one guy upside the head with the handle of my sword, sliced at one with a kunai and made him feel like I blew a hole through his stomach and threw a Senbon in the side of the last one’s neck to give the appearance of death. Well, to the prison with these guys. Szadek! I’m okay, though the hairs on the back of my neck did stand on end. Always happens right after a fight. Wow. It’s lunch time. Didn’t know what time it was. Ah well, lets head home. Normally, there aren’t many criminals this early in the day. Generally they attack at night. So having to fight them in the day is kind of strange. Oh well, see you later.
Wow!! Can't wait to see your next installment! Or maybe more stories in general!!
Wow, this was *awesome*. I loved the way that you wrote it so that it seemed like you were having a casual conversation with us, and we were experiencing it all right with you...second by second. You are extraordinarily talented as a writer. Keep up the awesome work! Can't wait to read more of your blog entries.
This is a great piece of writing Christopher and I really love your use of interruptions and other things to make it seem like a natural conversation taking place. When are you going to add to it?
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