Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Great, Matthew is sick. He doesn't seem to be sick, but earlier he had a temperature of 96 degrees F which is uncommon for him. And he was under 4 blankets. We didn't go bowling, But it seems I'm sick as well. Great. No young actors workshop today.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Yes, I am going to Round Table without my annoying brothers. I am going with my mom, as it is a young actors workshop meeting, and my birthday is this Thursday!!! That last part was unrelatred, but necessary, as it is true. My brothers are instead going to be at our Grandma Kendra's house. I am glad to be rid of them for a while.

Friday, September 26, 2008


This Weekend is going to be awesome. Tomorrow, I have some work to do, as on sunday, but on Sunday, I will be going with my brothers and Ian to go see Igor in Theaters. I didn't want to watch it for my birthday, as it would make me feel to my friends that I was still a kid, watching a g rated movie for my 14th birthday. That would make me feel kind of bad. I mean, I'm almost fourteen. I'm not expected to go see G rated films for my fourteenth birthday. I want to see a PG-13 film for my birthday. That is more expected. My mom says that she would watch R rated films one minute, the next, disney films. I don't want to do that, as that would make it seem to my friends that I'm still a child, which I don't want to seem like to my friends. But anyways, this weekend is going to be awesome.

Preparing for Adolesence

Preparing for adolesence is a good book for people like me who are entering puberty. It is straight to the point at some times, at others, not. But it does tell what is needed. It does tell not to do drugs, and not to have a baby if you can't take care of it. It also tells you not to fall into the canyon of inferiority. I think it is the right book for people going into adolesence.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thank god, Matthew has finally stopped waiting for his game to come. It is Mario Party DS. It looks pretty fun. We are going to play it with him as host on our DS's in the car on the way to the Jelly Belly Factory. It is going to be a fun game and day.

Young actor's workshop

Young actor's workshop is a totally awesome thing. It costs money but it is so fun. We tottaly work on Improvisation, where we just make it up on the go. I think it is insanely hilarious. I can't wait until next week.

Sweet! literally.

As judged by the title, something sweet is happening this week, and that would be GOING TO THE JELLY BELLY FACTORY!!!!! It is literally and figuratively sweet, as you can get beely flops and jawbreakers, the jawbreakers which you can get for a quarter. However, I currently need a hammer and a plastic bag. I have a larger jawbreaker I want to eat, but mom won't let me take a hammer to it. Actually, I'm not entirely sure. But, anyways, Thursday is gonna rock.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How rude book review.

how rude is a book about what to do in weird social situations and good manners, proper behavior, and not grossing people out. It talks about what to do when you have one of those weird body functions happen. Weird body functions include anything your body does, seemingly to be evil to you including sudden headaches and migranes. Then there is stuff you do to yourself. It is a 14 chapter book, with each chapter on something different. There's one for how to talk on the net, 1 for dealing with yourself, 1 for what your clothes say about you, and more. It also talks about proper dining etiquette, and that you should wait for the other residents at your table before going to the dessert bar at buffets. There are also little letters to the editor all throughout the book, plus sequences from the writers teenage years. It is a very good book for anybody who has no idea what to do in these situations. All in all, a good, fun read.


I finally have my favorite music back! I was able to copy it off my MP3 player, which I had not known I was able to do before now. I also gave matt some of my music, plus I got 6 songs from him. They were One, by metallica, Same old song and dance by Aerosmith, Sunshine of your love by Cream, Through the fire and flames, by Dragonforce, and Guitar battle vs. Lou (Devil goes to georgia) by the Charlie Daniels band. They are all awesome songs, and all from the first 3 Guitar Hero games. I love my music.


Arrgh, mateys! It's national talk like a pirate day, so go out and call everyone "matey", then go home, drink some rum, finish it off, wait to show someone when Jack sparrow says in Pirate's of the carribean 2: dead man's chest, "Why is the rum gone?" But seriously, today is national talk like a pirate day, so watch the Pirates of the carribean movies all day long.


My young actor's workshop is very fun. It is hosted at a little shack to the right of Camerons pub here. We have 2 attendances. The first is to just make sure that we are there, and the second is just a fun introducion you make up. My teacher then had us pretend to smell, taste, and see different things. When he asked me what was on my shoulder, I improvised, and said there was a spider, killed it, and there was blood. I said it was from the spider, but he said it was from the murder, which must have been with a shotgun, as I was holding a shotgun in my hands, which I then blasted myself with. The person to my right pretended to be OCD. His name is Evan green, but he changed it to Stone, which is the hebrew translation of evan. Then we were to go up and sit next to him and have a conversation. I, evidentaly was taking my drivers test, as we were driving around. I pushed the ejector seat button, which I had thought was the self-destruct button. Then we all worked on a story together, where we would each say 1 word, to make a story. It was a lot of fun. After that, we all did what might hopefully be our role in the project for the pumpkin festival this year. Young actors workshop is amazing. I can't wait until tuesday!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I finally have played .hack again! I'm not that far, since my memory card that once had it was returned with our old PS2. So I'm not that far. But I don't have any better weapons. However, I will get farther, and will eventually use my broadswords again. YAY!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Enders game

Ender's game is about a 6 year old boy, who ends up committing xenocide at the age of 11 on an alien race called buggers. The book starts with Ender getting his monitor removed from the back of his neck. He is known as a Third, for the Starways Congress and the Hegemon have made a law that each family can only have 2 children, but if a family is to have a third, they have to fill out special paper work to have the child. After school, a boy named Stilson wouldn't let him on the bus, and Ender beat him to a pulp. He ends up murdering Stilson, but does not go to Juvenile hall. After he goes to battle school, he ends up killing another child. But he hadn't meant to. He then goes to where a Bugger colony had been. At that place he plays a simulation, which actually is real life, so he just about exterminates all the buggers. He then goes to the planet where the buggers all lived on a different planet, where a baby hive queen was waiting in it's cocoon for him. He takes the cocoon with him where ever he goes to find a place for it to live.

It is a very good book, and I recommend it for any science fiction readers.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


YAY!! I am going to be doing young actors workshop!!! That is going to be so awesome!! I'm going to be with kids about my age, and I get to do improvisation, Like I could be given a place, creature and object, and we have to make a story from it. This is going to be so much fun!