Monday, March 29, 2010

this week is slightly crazy, but will be much fun.

Yes, well, this week, we have mostly off, except for today. I have to do a math lesson everyday, though. However, there is something good about this week. First, I'm almost done beating Uncharted 2 the first time around, so I can have a tranquilizer gun. Second, This weekend we have Wondercon! We need to go, for sure. The reason? The makers of Elfquest, Wendy and Richard Pini are going to be there, along with Max Brooks, the man who did World War Z, and The Zombie Survival Guide, although it really only applies to his zombies, but who cares, it will be awesome to see him!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Well, what to blog about. Maybe my almost done story!

Yep, my story, "The Adventures of Barthun and Kennan" is almost done! i just need to do the final fight scene, and it's done! I might do more though, not sure at the moment. It would be fun. Can't wait to finish.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Schedule has been changed for today, again.

Yeah, today, I had been going to leave at 2:30, but not anymore. We probably won't be going anywhere today. I had been going to leave, but it got changed because Linda has some other meeting today, so she can't do biology today with me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm cold, wet, and still have work, but I made 60 bucks!

Yep, just finished taking care of Grandma's dogs. I took care of 6, and got 60 bucks. I'm cold and wet. I need to do a history lesson. But besides that, I'm fine. oh, boy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The thieves, the thieves!!!!

Yeah, as expected, post today's about uncharted 2: among thieves. Nick is farther then me, and you will say nothing about it!!! The reason is that he copied off my file, okay? I also lost monitor time till tomorrow, but anyways, no, I have not gone again zinnia's uncle yet. There's actually a feature of the game I really like. The fact that each medal gets you money. This is good for the fact that it enables me to, instead of having to do a bunch of stuff to get the medal points to unlock it, I can instead just buy it with game money. This will be cool!

Monday, March 22, 2010

fun party yesterday, but included broken leg for uncle, and pain in side for me.

Yeah, sorry if the title's too long. Anyways, yesterday was Zinnia's party. It was at the same place as Eleven's, and the slide was way fun. It was an awesome day, besides the fact that Big Harold broke his leg, and dislocated it, and I got a pain in my side, which got better, but came back today, and I feel like absolute crap today. Why does this kind of stuff happen when I'm around?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Man, today was awesome! The Lawerwence Hall of Science was great! They now have an exhibit on race, which was really cool. They also have a maze, but it's kind of boring. It was still fun.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tomorrow, there will be thieves.

Yeah, what i mean is that tomorrow, we are going to be going to Gamestop. The plan for tomorrow is this. We go to the Lawerence hall of Science, stay for a couple hours, drop Matt and Jon off at clay class, while me, mom, and Nick go get a present for Zinnia. Afterwards, we all head to Gamestop to get games. Me and Matthew already know what we are getting. He is preordering a PS3 transformers game, and I am getting Uncharted 2: among thieves. jon and Nick will split whatever money is left over. Plus the Donkey Konga stuff we are going to sell on Ebay that I wanted to cash in for credit, will get me more money, plus whatever money I have I can use to get Mirrors Edge, and some Multiplayer skins. I so want to kill Eleven and Zinnia's uncle Chris online. I'd probably die, but I don't care. I got pretty dang far in only a few hours, and in one sitting, I might add. I got to at least chapter 6, maybe 7. Dang, it's going to be awesome.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cafe world is quite fun!

Yeah, it's pretty fun. The basis of the game is that you have made a cafe, and then the tutorial shows you how to play. The game itself is really easy. it's just another of those facebook apps, but it doesn't matter, it's fun. A lot easier than farmville, frankly. Can't wait to level up more.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Matthew won't leave me alone.

Yep, as usual, Matt is being a pain while I attempt to work. I've been working, he's been a pain. Why won't he leave me alone?!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Well, I hate DST.

Yeah, Daylight Savings time sucks. It means I have less time to work, but even less time to play. I managed to work out today, but not for very long. Got a bit in, can't wait to do more.

Friday, March 12, 2010

52:9 1984 by George Orwell.

A strange book. By the author of Animal farm, a futuristic society with three main countries at war with each other. We follow the life of Winston Smith, a normal person who becomes extraordinary through the book. An interesting read. I recommend it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Being sick royally sucks.

Yeah, i don't think there can be anything worse than being sick. I absolutely hate feeling like crap. I keep losing my focus, and just can't concentrate on reading. this disease sucks eggs.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bloody 'ell, I'm sick. dang it.

Of course, so is just about everyone else except for Nick, and hopefully dad. He's currently at work. Matt and Jon have been up chucking. This is not a good day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

two lumps of cuteness, and attempted WORLD DOMINATION!!!

yeah. Two cats, aliens. Both russian blues. One fat, one smart and sleek. It cusses a bit, but it is bloody hilarious. I really love this site. the link is Two Lumps: The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch it is so awesome. Updates are monday, wednesday, and friday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

easy english.

yeah, for 3 weeks, my only English involves me writing in my story. How easy is that?! 'course, I have to finish the book in those 3 weeks. meh, whatever. it'll be a piece of cake.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today I have book club.

Yep, today we are doing book club. And it will be awesome, as we are going to watch the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, as we needed to read the book for the club. It will be awesome! Yayz!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Agh, great, everyone's sick, including me for a period of time.

Yeah, I was sick earlier, but I'm not any longer. I'm better now. Everyone else, except for mom and Dad, are currently watching Night at the museum, Battle of the Smithsonian. Man, this week is probably not going to be great.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Agh, great, everyone's sick, 'cept me.

Yep, I'm the only one of us who is not sick at the moment. Matt, Jon, and Nick have been playing for a while. Well, Jon got the work he could get done, and same with Matthew. Not Nico, though. I'm done with my work once I finish this. Yayz!