Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shonen Jump

I love Shonen Jump. For me, there is nothing better than a fire, a cup of hot cacao, and the newest issue of Shonen Jump. Shonen Jump is one of the best magazines in the world. They have multiple types of manga that can appeal to most people. There are 8 different manga. They have most likely been turned into tv shows and made a little different, but they are mostly similar. They also feature contests, information on video games, and fan art, plus news about when new volumes of Shonen jump manga volumes will come out, and when the next issue will come out in stores. Being subscribed can be very good. For example, if you subscribe, not only do you save money, you can also get special sneak previews of tv shows. You also get issues of Shonen Jump earlier that other people.. Remember, they are sold for $5 at your local Safeway, and the newest issue is available the first Tuesday of the month.


Crystal said...

Sounds like an awesome magazine! How long have you been getting it? Do you keep them? I have a magazine that I used to get when I was like 9 or 10, and I kept all of them and now my daughter reads them! It's pretty funny. I suppose that it'd be strange for your kids to one day read a magazine about video games and stuff that is out right now, but it might be funny, too! Imagine if you read a magazine about video games that were new when your parents were your'd probably laugh a ton. The graphics were back then. *laugh* Good entry, I really liked reading about Shonen Jump!

Frisco Del Rosario said...

It was actually because you read Shonen Jump that I was able to identify Hikaru No Go at a comic book store. I couldn't remember the book's name, but your father could because he remembered it from your reading.

4boyz4me said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your magazine. Does that mean you want me to renew your subscription for Channukah? ;)